Education Reform with Terique Scott

Terique Scott, Legislative Associate at League of Education Voters, recently joined our Youth & Young Adult Advocacy Program session to share space with our young Community Experts. Terique serves his community through supporting and influencing the advancement of just laws and policy-shaping of the education system. 


Our young Community Experts shared their thoughts on the session:

Kayla: “I feel like Terique Scott was very passionate about supporting young people in the education system. He spoke about his personal struggles within the education system and how he wanted to inspire other young BIPOC youth to advocate for themselves.”

Savien: “My favorite part of this session was the conversation around the school-to-prison pipeline. Understanding that this theory does not only affect minorities but also young people that come from more positive backgrounds.” 

Faduma: “One of my favorite sessions. Talked about the SPP. Terique talked about his personal struggles being in school and facing difficulties, which encouraged him to advocate for changes around the education of young people in the system.” 

Kaleah: “I like this guest speaker. He was really knowledgeable about what he spoke about. His passion was shown throughout the session. It personally made me want to learn more about education reforms happening.”

Terique shared quite a bit of information with us about the current legislative session. Here is a summarized version of all the bills that Terique mentioned in our session and any links provided, including a bill tracker and a podcast.

For more details on our YYA Program, visit our program page or contact Kyeshia Likely (Advocacy Program Manager) at


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